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School of Magic: More Than 50 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks by Villa and Bellucci
School of Magic: More Than 50 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks by Villa and Bellucci
School of Magic: More Than 50 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks by Villa and Bellucci

School of Magic: More Than 50 Mind-Blowing Magic Tricks by Villa and Bellucci

Regular price $14.99 Sale

For those seeking to enter the enchanted and esteemed realm of magicians, here are more than 50 magic tricks ranging from beginner to advanced.
School of Magic is illustrated with clear-and-easy instructions for effective and impressive tricks that can be done at home with everyday objects. This handy guide starts with skill development, like hand-eye coordination, rope tying, and card shuffling exercises. It then provides step-by-step directions for a variety of magic tricks that go from simple to harder. There are even short biographies of famous illusionists throughout time, like Adelaide Herrmann and Harry Houdini. Aspiring magicians will feel like they are in a real “magic school”!